Two Fast-Growing Ways to Earn More Revenue for Your Association
Offer more value to your community while earning more revenue for your mission.
In May 2021, Noora Health, a nonprofit that educates families in Southeast Asia about how to care for babies, raised $4.5 million toward that mission through an NFT. While your association might not be ready for cutting-edge fundraising tactics like this, there are other ways to take a fresh approach to earning non-dues revenue.
With millions of Americans looking for jobs post-pandemic, recruitment advertising is one such ripe revenue opportunity for associations. As hubs for industry employers and talent, associations can leverage their online career centers to help companies find the staff they need and earn revenue in the process. If your job board is languishing, now is the time to step up your offerings for employers seeking talent. Revive your paid job posting packages with options that fit your industry’s needs. Consider adding job display advertising to your homepage to give employers greater value for their ads.
To boost the value your job board offers employers, add job retargeting. Retargeting is a form of programmatic advertising that serves display ads for featured job listings to people after they leave your online career center. They’re encouraged to revisit those listings, resulting in more talent-employee connections and more revenue for you.
For job seekers, provide a mix of free and fee-based services that give value at different price points. Pack your career center with free content about industry topics and job-searching tips. Offer fee-based résumé review services, interview coaching and mentorship opportunities that can be purchased directly through your career center.
A second fast-growing area of non-dues revenue for associations is sponsored thought leadership. Help your members share their deep industry knowledge through sponsored content. Publish their blog articles or webinars for a fee. Host them on your podcast to talk about their expertise in exchange for sponsoring the episode. Offer to feature their product or service video on your website, in an exhibitor directory or on an event site as a standalone paid placement or part of a larger package.
Sponsored email is also gaining traction among associations. For a fee, your association can send an email to members on behalf of a sponsor. The content could be promotional or strictly editorial, with a nod to the business that supplied it.
No matter how you approach non-dues revenue, remember that stockpiling money isn’t the goal. It’s how your association will use those funds to enhance membership value and further enrich your industry. Try one of these non-dues revenue wellsprings and grow!
Naylor Association Solutions is devoted to building stronger associations. As trusted partners for more than 50 years, our experienced advisors create relevant association resources, software, events, and management functions that foster member engagement and non-dues revenue. Naylor focuses on your association’s daily success so that you can focus on achieving your mission.
(Galeanu Mihai/iStock/Getty Images Plus)