We Asked, You Answered: What Do You Love About Working in Associations?
Associations are filled with people working together to achieve their organization’s mission. From meetings to members to helping advance a cause, readers shared what they love most about working in the association world.
It’s clear from the responses to this question that association professionals love what they do. The reasons vary from person to person, but high on the list are supporting members, advancing the mission, helping others learn, and interacting with the other great people who work at associations. Read on to see some of the responses we received.
Melissa Heeke, CAE
Director of Membership, Raybourn Group International
As Margret Mead said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” I love that our work as association professionals supports those who are out there making the positive change happen.
Ted Smith
President, Florida Automobile Dealers Association
Forty years ago, I had no real understanding of just how wonderful it would be to devote my life to working in three different industries at their trade associations. I jokingly tell my friends today that I have never had a “real job”! And don’t tell anyone, but I might do it for free! Why? Because it is the greatest combination of serving others, being able to problem-solve, and leading an industry with some of the best minds in the business. Every day is different, and the challenges allow for creativity and passion to flow.
Barbara Gunderson
Professional Development Senior Director, AUTM
Since I began my career in association management, what I have loved the most is working with the members. No matter which association, the members we work with are among the most dedicated people. They belong to the association and volunteer at every level of the organization because of their commitment to the profession and to the organization that represents them. It is a joy to help them make the association the best it can be and to serve their profession at the highest level. I’m honored to be a small part of that mission.
Lynette Bradley-Baker, CAE
Senior Vice President of Public Affairs and Engagement, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
One of the things that I love about working in association management is the opportunity to learn from others (e.g., staff colleagues, members, other association colleagues) and the ability to put those learnings into action to either enhance or try new things in operations and strategic planning.
Lindsay Currie, CAE
Executive Officer, Council on Undergraduate Research
We get to make other people’s lives better, easier, and more fun with the programming, education, community, and more that we build and facilitate. That’s a powerful gift we give the world each day.
Shaun Holloway
Director of Information Technology, American Motorcyclist Association
I love the combination of serving the mission of the association, making an impact, and doing what’s right for the members, in addition to driving revenue. The passion members have for what the association is doing is motivating, and the appreciation staff and members have for one another is amazing.
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