We Asked, You Answered: What Will You Stop Doing in 2024?
In our latest poll, we asked readers to share the bad habits they plan to break next year. From saying no more, to taking time to recharge and decompress, to only doing things that bring them joy, it’s clear that association pros are ready for change in 2024.
What if rather than committing to do something new in 2024, you make a promise that, with the turn of the calendar, you’ll finally let something go?
We recently asked our readers to tell us what they resolve to stop doing in the new year. From the responses we received, one thing’s for certain: People are looking to be better leaders and prioritize themselves in the coming year. Here are a few highlights.
Sheri Singer
President, Singer Communications
2024 is my year of saying “no.” I plan to intentionally evaluate every opportunity. If it doesn’t bring me joy, a sense of personal or professional achievement, or another positive outcome, I won’t invest my time and energy.
Kelly Froio
Membership Coordinator, International Association of Yoga Therapists
I’m letting go of the need to respond to every cold email. Engaging in any way, even to say “no, thank you,” often results in continued follow-ups that clog the inbox and eat up more time. In some circumstances, it’s Ok to ignore them!
Scott Collinsworth
Senior Director of Business Development, INSPIRE Solutions
I will stop worrying about items out of my control, and I will focus on acceptance.
Cherie Newell
Chief of Operations, Society of American Archivists
In 2024, I plan to amp up my self-care. This includes taking more time to relax and rewind for an ultimate powerful recharge. Self-care will live as weekly, biweekly, monthly, or quarterly reminders to “just do” for self to prevent burnout.
Cicely Elliott
Account Executive, Wanner Associates, Inc.
I will try to let go of perfectionism and unrealistic (and unfair) expectations of myself and others.
Jan Reisinger, MBA, CAE
Executive Director, Pennsylvania College of Emergency Physicians
I will stop allowing email notifications to disrupt my day. I will block off a designated time in the morning and the afternoon to check and respond to emails, which will allow me to stay more focused.
Susan Colladay
Partner, GRF CPAs & Advisors
In 2024, I plan to stop working while I am on vacation. I realize the urge to work on vacation comes from the fear that when I return, I will spend the first two days clearing out a ton of emails. However, I also realize that working on vacation does not allow me to fully unplug and refresh so I can be a better version of myself when I return. More importantly, this behavior does not set a good example for my team.
(Adam Webb/iStock)