Social Media Roundup: Best. Conference. Check-in. Ever.
From Twitter refreshes to a killer enterprise-software conference, some highlights from the world of social media today.
From Twitter refreshes to a killer enterprise-software conference, some highlights from the world of social media today.
A killer check-in
Best conference check in ever @Dreamforce. Amazing with 85k attendees. A model for all associations. #nimbleams #asae @salesforce
— Jeffrey Golembiewski (@jeffgnimble) September 18, 2012
Jeffrey Golembiewski, a consultant and evangelist for NimbleUser, is at DreamForce ’12, a social enterprise conference held by high-flying enterprise software company Salesforce.com — and he’s giving strong reviews already. Between the Instagram contests and the social media command center, it looks like they’re having more fun than we are right now. Not there? Follow along on Twitter. What’s the best conference you’ve ever been to?
Twitter does a refresh
Everything You Need To Know About the New Twitter Profiles by @jasonkeath http://t.co/eLxqohJ0
— Jeff Hurt (@JeffHurt) September 18, 2012
Jeff Hurt of Velvet Chainsaw Consulting points out the visual refresh Twitter got this morning — offered up first to a handful of NBC brands, such as the Today Show. (It’s part of a broader update, which includes updates to the site’s various apps.) Here’s what the morning show has done with it so far:
The Today Show’s new Twitter page, complete with a refreshed visual profile. (Screenshot)
Snazzy, eh? If you’re wondering why it’s not on your profile yet, it’s because you have to enable it first. Jason Keath explains how to do so. Have you tried it yet? Tell us about it in the comments!
What’s stopping you?
biggest fear? Not advancing the organization or myself to greatest potential. Need to utilize all resources #assnchat
biggest fear? Not advancing the organization or myself to greatest potential. Need to utilize all resources #assnchat
— Kate Doyle (@k8doyle) September 18, 2012
#assnchat Q3: If I knew no one would stop me, I would totally remake our website NOW and add a cool research app for mobile devices.
#assnchat Q3: If I knew no one would stop me, I would totally remake our website NOW and add a cool research app for mobile devices.
— Cecilia Sepp (@CeciliaSepp) September 18, 2012
This week’s Association Chat tackled the concept of fear, and things that are holding folks back. Some passionate responses from this one. Check out Storify to see what you missed. (Above are comments from Kate Doyle, a manager at the National Council of State Boards of Nursing; and Cecilia Sepp, vice president of Association Laboratory.)
Anything out there in the world of social worth reading? Shoot us a comment!