Social Media Roundup: How Generational Differences Affect Communication

Social Media Roundup: How Generational Differences Affect Communication

Also: Why a social media triage process is important.

Do you feel like you have some communication issues you need to work through in the office? We picked up a few pointers from the world of social media:

The way we discuss work

What does the generation gap mean in the office? Delcor’s Kylee Coffman cites a Forbes guest post by Scott Weiss, the CEO of communications firm Speakeasy, discussing how inter-generational differences create communication challenges. “In fact,” he says, “many businesses are paying more attention to the generation gap now than ever before, and it all seems to boil down to how different generations perceive technology … and use it.” Do you see it in your own office?

Triage your social media

How important is a social media workflow? Altimeter Group’s Jeremiah Owyang says if you don’t have one, you risk communication disaster. “Clearly, we want to avoid this scenario,” he explains, “and instead develop a workflow that cascades across the multiple business functions, product groups, and geographies to quickly and effectively serve the market in social channels.” Sound like a lot of work? Fortunately, Owyang wrote a detailed guide that has plenty of take-aways. (Thanks Kathi Rabil of Sliceworks for the tip.)

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Ernie Smith

By Ernie Smith

Ernie Smith is a former senior editor for Associations Now. MORE

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