Social Media Roundup: Lessons From Disengaged Members
They have way too much stuff going on to spend time on your association. How do you hook them? Also: Don't be afraid to reinvent process.
We all know that member. The one who has so much going on that you’re shocked they have time to breathe.
The one who might show up for an event every once in a while, but it might be a long time until you see them next.
How do you reach them? That and more in today’s Social Media Roundup:
They’re Not That Into You
Grievances of the 5-Minute Member by @ResultsDirect http://t.co/y8lqvzfz via @meredithholt @sliceworks #asae #assnchat #assocforum
— Jay S Daughtry M.Ed. (@ChatterBachs) October 30, 2012
Put yourself in the mind of your busiest member. What are they thinking? And why can’t they more fully commit to you? Alex Mouw of Results Direct shares some insight on the matter: “How often do I go to your website thinking, ‘Gee, I want to participate in a discussion today. I’ll go to the discussion area of my association website?’ Don’t force me to go out of my way to be social. I’m most likely to engage around a topic that is already top of mind.” Perhaps you’re asking for too much? (ht @ChatterBachs)
Can You Turn On a Dime?
MT “@Pull_Innovation: Companies must be able to make process changes in days or weeks, … http://t.co/l6TTksoP #management” #assnchat
— Greg Melia, CAE (@gmeliaCAE) October 30, 2012
Does your process need to process a little faster? That’s what consultant Brad Power suggests, writing for Harvard Business Review. “Over the last decade the opportunities for improving work have multiplied,” he writes. “We should celebrate the achievements of the process improvement approaches that emerged in the 1990s, what I call ‘Process Strategy 1.0.’ Now we need to look to the new frontiers of work in the 2010s. In my next post I will dig further into ‘Process Strategy 2.0’ and how it can improve work that is more global, faster-paced, and dependent on knowledge workers.” Our processes have come a long way over the years. Now, how do we push them a little bit further? (ht @gmeliaCAE)
What cool stuff have you seen online lately? Let us know in the comments.
(TMG archive photo)