Social Media Roundup: Let’s Play a Game
How gamification inside a closed community can kick-start engagement. Also: Attend your meetings like a true leader.
Everybody loves games. That’s part of the reason why this video, featuring the Ohio State marching band in a homage to video games of years past, is going off the charts today.
How can you leverage that? We have an idea. That and more in today’s Social Media Roundup:
Gamify your community
Seeking engagement in your private community? Make it a game! #assnchat
— Natalie Mullen (@PeachNat) October 8, 2012
According to Eloqua Solutions, gamification — kind of like what foursquare does with check-ins — could help raise your community’s engagement level. They tried it with its own closed community and were impressed with the results. “As the community moderator and the one who made the purchase decision for the gamification module,” writes the company’s Heather Foeh, “I fully expected it to help increase engagement on the community (or I wouldn’t have bought it!) but even I have been surprised by the increase in activity on our site since its launch.” Have you tried doing this? What do you think? (ht @PeachNat)
Meeting rules of thumb
How to Be a Superstar in Meetings via @zite <good advice> #assnchat
— Greg Melia, CAE (@gmeliaCAE) October 8, 2012
To put it simply, be engaged: To make a strong impression at your next team meeting, contribute to the success of the meeting, says Bruna Martinuzzi, the author of Presenting With Credibility: Practical Tools and Techniques for Effective Presentations. How do you do that? Well, among other things, you should build on the ideas of others, according to Martinuzzi: “Honor a colleague’s idea by referring to it and adding your perspective. Acknowledging someone else’s contribution is rarely done and is the mark of a leader.” At meetings, do you lead or follow? (ht @gmeliaCAE)
What cool stuff have you seen online today? Shoot us a message on Twitter or Facebook.
(TMG archive photo)