Lunchtime Links: Easier Email Lists At Events
How Campaign Monitor's latest app makes building email lists at events a cinch. Also: Facebook's plan to appease marketers.
Let’s say you want to collect email addresses from potential members at an upcoming event.
Paper is boring and time-consuming after the fact. Laptops with massive forms are clunky. And the WiFi is acting a little wonky.
Maybe what you really need is a really cool, dead-simple iPad app. That and more in today’s Lunchtime Links:
Build your email list with an iPad: Holding an event that nonmembers attend? That’s obviously an opportunity to bring them into the fold. Consider putting out an iPad in a central location and using Campaign Monitor’s new Enlist app, which allows you to create a simple, customizable form to collect email addresses. Even better? It works offline, so you don’t have to have an internet connection to get people to sign up. Learn more on the company’s blog.
Facebook gives marketers a little space: With controversy still hot over Facebook’s treatment of brand marketers, it looks like the company has given smaller marketers a little leeway — by creating a new “pages only” feed, which allows end-users to view what’s happening on various pages. Why the changes? “The purpose of this whole News Feed algorithm change was really because we saw the incidents of people hiding stories … or marking stories as spam has gone up, and we really want to keep News Feed as engaging a place as possible for people,” a Facebook spokeswoman told ReadWrite.
DELPers are among the hardest working, visible members of the association community.
Dispelling DELP myths: According to Stefanie Reeves, CAE, there are many myths about ASAE’s Diversity Executive Leadership Program (DELP) that need to be cleared up — and she’s totally prepared to do it. She’s heard a myth that DELPers do nothing in return for their benefits. Not so, she writes: “DELP scholars serve on ASAE boards and committees. We’ve given presentations and conducted workshops for ASAE. We’ve made financial commitments to the ASAE Foundation and APAC. We advocate on Capitol Hill. DELPers are among the hardest working, visible members of the association community.”
Identify your best donors: Charitable nonprofits put a lot of work into finding new donors. As Katya Andresen argues on her blog, however, you should put more work into keeping the donors you have. One way to know a donor you should value? If they call to note a change of address. “A donor who goes to the trouble of doing this is saying they don’t want the nonprofit to lose track of him or her,” she explains. “Do we identify those people? Do we have a special plan to analyze our donors and cultivate the most committed? We should.”
How do you keep up relationships with already-interested donors? Let us know in the comments.