
Lunchtime Links: How One Association is Giving Back

How one association is giving back to the community. Plus: A former executive for the Nebraska AIDS Project reflects on World AIDS Day.

Between the Salvation Army bells ringing from every corner and coat drive boxes popping up in office lobbies, it’s clear that the season of giving is here. But while individual contributions can certainly add up to something impressive, sometimes it’s easier for an association to give a little extra push in tough times. How much of a difference can an association make?

That and more in today’s Lunchtime Links:

I would not be the crotchety, tree-hugging, dirt-worshiping, peace-loving, bleeding heart liberal that I am today without this experience. I would just be a crotchety something else.

Chicken Little: If birds of a feather stick together, follow in the footsteps of the Indiana State Poultry Association. The local association recently donated more than 200,000 pounds of Indiana poultry products to the state, which will be redistributed to a variety of local food pantries. The prize was accepted by Lt. Gov. Becky Skillman, and is reportedly the biggest donation to date from the association, which gives a food donation every year. The poultry industry in Indiana accounts for more than $2.4 billion of the state’s economic development.

Cause for Celebration: For true success and fulfillment, passion is a key element. For Joe Gerstandt, former Director of Education and Prevention Programs for the Nebraska AIDS Project, his passion is evident in a recent blog post reminding others about World AIDS Day, which was Dec. 1.  He chronicles his experiences from a part-time volunteer to a full-time program director, with touching insight on its effects. He jokes, “I would not be the crotchety, tree-hugging, dirt-worshipping, peace-loving, bleeding heart liberal that I am today without this experience. I would just be a crotchety something else.” Has your work with an association changed you for the better? How have you shared that experience?

Note Bene: Do you use Evernote? The virtual note-taking system may have a new friend in The new application, released from a third-party vendor not affiliated with Evernote, allows Evernote users to sync their notes with a built-in calendar, project bank and a vague folder called “Someday,” for those fleeting thoughts. Initially, the app will be available for iOS later this year, with additional plans for Android. Do you think you’ll use What kind of task-management apps do you frequently use?

What are you reading over lunch? Let us know in the comments.


Chloe Thompson

By Chloe Thompson

Chloe Thompson is a contributing writer to Associations Now. MORE

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