Social Snapshot: People Are Talking About Association Membership
What people are saying in social spaces about association membership topics.
From Collaborate
“To use our open LinkedIn group as a recruiting tool for nonmembers, we … regularly post discussions about the benefits of AWIS, send out announcements, and will sometimes post a teaser to information that is only posted in the members-only subgroup to entice people to join. Six percent of our new members for this last fiscal year were from LinkedIn.” —Erin DiMenna, director of membership and component relations, Association for Women in Science, on ASAE’s Collaborate network
“We’ve found the best way to recruit young professionals into membership is to get their employers on board. … We identify firm contacts and work directly with them. When the company sees the value, they bring the members to us.” —Carolyn Hook, director, membership and operations, New Jersey Society of Certified Public Accountants, on ASAE’s Collaborate network
From Twitter
@leahnashsays: Culture is the association member experience, drives membership dollars “#FSAE12” “#sarahsladek” @FSAE
@Lowellmatthew: If company paid for individual’s membership there is a good possibility that the member needs extra attention to get engaged #cesse12
From LinkedIn
“How can you grow without more income coming in and then how do you bring on more benefits without the staff to take care of everything that needs to make the benefit successful. Just part of what keeps me awake at night!” —Michele Morgan, executive director, NiUG International, on ASAE’s LinkedIn group