
New Study Uncovers Future Tradeshow Trends

The research outlines five future scenarios, as well as elements of an unrivaled tradeshow experience and nearly a dozen takeaways to help industry professionals tailor their plans for the next several years.

What does the tradeshow of 2016 look like?

A new study commissioned by the ASAE Foundation, the Center for Exhibition Industry Research Foundation, Freeman, Gaylord Entertainment, and the Professional Convention Management Association Education Foundation is predicting some possible outcomes.

As an industry, it’s critical for us to continually look at how to improve the experience, quality, and format of our exhibit space, so we can provide the high-quality event our members and exhibitors expect.

Based on small- and large-group discussions with industry professionals, online discussions, and outreach to nonindustry professionals, “Research Scenarios for the Future Convention Exhibits and Tradeshows of 2016” identified five scenarios describing what the industry could look like three years from now.

They include:

  • “The Future Is Now”
  • “The Future Is the Future, and We Will Build It All”
  • “Slow Walk to the Future”
  • “Show’s Over (But Let’s Keep Playing)”
  • “The Big Reset”

The scenarios—presented as if it is already 2016—allow event planners to adjust and tailor their current business plans to fit one or more of the hypothetical outcomes and help prepare them for developments and changes in the industry.

The study also highlights four essential elements of an exceptional tradeshow experience—including engaging participants and creating a meaningful experience at the individual level—as well as 10 chief takeaways, such as the need to stay relevant and flexible in the face of change.

“As an industry, it’s critical for us to continually look at how to improve the experience, quality, and format of our exhibit space, so we can provide the high-quality event our members and exhibitors expect,” ASAE President & CEO John H. Graham IV, CAE, said in a statement. “This report provides insight into situations we believe may occur in the future, and how we can assist the meetings industry in advancing the tradeshow space as well as positioning their events for long-term success.”

(Ciaran Griffin/Stockbyte/Thinkstock)

Katie Bascuas

By Katie Bascuas

Katie Bascuas is associate editor of Associations Now. MORE

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