Resolutions With Bite: Associations Offer Pet Tips for 2013
Everyone’s trying to hold firm to their New Year’s resolutions. But what about Fido and Fifi? Associations are offering resolutions for caring for the four-legged friends in your life.
Lose those last five pounds. Quit smoking. Order the salad instead of the burger.
Can your New Year’s resolutions apply to your pet ownership habits? They sure can, according to American Veterinary Medical Association CEO Dr. Ron DeHaven, who recently gave an interview suggesting some goals for pet owners in 2013, including:
Exercise: It’s not just good for human owners.
Emergency planning: Treat your pet as you would a child and have essential food and other necessities on hand.
Preventive care: Just as you’re taking more multivitamins and walking to work to get in a few more minutes of exercise, take precautions with your pets too and get them the preventive care they need.
Another animal association that’s starting the new year on an advocacy note is the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). ASPCA offers up resolutions for happy and healthy pets in 2013, with tips such as ensuring your animals are properly ID’ed or even implanting a microchip for easy tracking.
The new year provides a handy angle to further your association’s mission by offering relevant, timely tips for how people can live their lives better in 2013.
What advice are you giving your members for the new year?
(Ryan McVay/Photodisc/Thinkstock)