Social Media Roundup: Don’t Deceive Your Audience
Beyoncé's lip-syncing controversy proves the effects of fooling your audience. Also: Make your next meeting a productivity playroom.
It’s hard to please an audience, but what if you fooled them and then they found out? How do you deal with the disappointment?
That and more in today’s Social Media Roundup:
Who’s the Fool?
After Beyoncé’s stellar performance at President Obama’s inauguration, news broke that she had actually lip-synced the whole thing. Many Americans were diappointed and the singer received some heavy backlash from the media and fans. It’s not the first time fans are outraged by lip-syncing. Why is it such a big deal? Audiences are hard to please and even easier to let down, especially when they feel deceived. The event services company Cadence reiterates this feeling in its take on the lip syncing debacle. “The fact of the matter is that the value of live content is in the authenticity of the experience,” the company writes on its blog. “As an industry that relies on the exchange of live experiences, event producers must be sure to provide meaningful experiences in an authentic manner. Audiences don’t like to be tricked, and pre-recorded content that parades as a live performance is wholly deceiving.” (ht @Cadence_Live)
Let’s Play G.A.M.E.S.
G.A.M.E.S. for meetings! by @meetingchange http://t.co/NwxCwo2o #eventprofs #mpi #gamification
— Shawna McKinley (@s_mckinley) January 25, 2013
How can you liven up your next meeting? Meeting Change’s recipe for gamification highlights the five key elements of a meeting: goals, audience, mechanics, execution and social, which altogether appropriately spell G.A.M.E.S. But don’t stress, you don’t need high-tech tools to play. “From an event perspective, examples can be high-tech, such as the development of mobile apps that encourage specific behaviours, rewarding participants with points for completing specific tasks (or quests),” the group writes. “While the development of game apps for events is a growing trend, gamification should not be viewed only as this. Gamification can also be low-tech through the use of interactive activities that have game-like aspects.” (ht @s_mckinley)
What cool things have you been tweeting about today? Let us know in the comments.