Social Media Roundup: Inside the Twitterverse Archives
Why the Library of Congress is struggling to organize 170 billion tweets. Also: three business model design challenges to apply to your association.
The Library of Congress has set out to organize the most challenging archive ever: the Twitterverse. It might make you feel a little better about your data store after you hear the challenges it gives them.
That and more in today’s Social Media Roundup:
Sifting through The Twitterverse
Did you know the Library of Congress stores tweets? It currently holds an archive of 170 billion tweets, with the purpose that historians and scholars will be able to use them to describe our society years from now. But, how do you access and filter through years and years of 140 character lines? To put it simply, it’s not as easy as leaving the thought in the first place. As reporter James Gleick puts it in his article in The New York Review of Books, “O historian of the future, will you be able to find gems in the straw?” This seems to be the big issue with one of the biggest forms of big data out there, where data is created and shared a lot faster than it can be classified and analyzed. Does your big data feel like this sometimes? (ht @thoshomlem)
Beyond The Membership Straddle
Three design challenges for 21st century association business models http://t.co/veByPytW via @pinnovation #assnchat #csae
— Greenfield Services (@GreenfieldSrvcs) January 18, 2013
When it comes to business model design, some associations are fixed on staying membership-centric. Chief Strategist and Founder of Principled Innovation LLC Jeff De Cagna urges them to shake off that norm. In his blog post, he explores three challenges associations should take when designing new business model concepts. “By refocusing those efforts on the work of new value creation, associations can make it possible for a broader universe of interested stakeholders, situated in both core and meaningfully adjacent market spaces, to achieve the outcomes those stakeholders decide are important to them,” De Cagna explains. Will your association take on De Cagna’s design challenges? (ht GreenfieldSrvcs)
What are you tweeting about today? Let us know the comments.