Social Media Roundup: Utilize Word-of-Mouth Marketing
Most potential members put a lot of stock in word of mouth before joining a professional association. Also: how to leave an impression and build on the conversations in your industry with great content.
Your members are the most influential and vital part of your organization. Do you trust them to help you out when it comes to recruiting new members?
That, and more, in today’s Social Media Roundup:
Says Who?
Using word of mouth to increase membership via @XYZUniversity #association #assnchat #asae #membership
— Team Slice Works (@sliceworks) March 29, 2013
Word of mouth can be an important tool, especially when recruiting new members. If people aren’t sure about whether to join your association, they may ask current members their opinion. What would yours say? “Word of mouth is powerful. Make sure it’s working in your favor. Use it to bring in new members,” Shannon Neeser writes on XYZ University. She suggests you use the five T’s of word-of-mouth marketing: talkers (or influencers), topics (or message), tools, taking part in the conversation, and tracking. (ht @sliceworks)
Content That Won’t Miss A Beat
RT @ericfletcher How To Write Content For Your Company People Actually Want To Read via @FastCompany #mpi #pcma
— SpeakerSue (@SpeakerSue) April 1, 2013
Are you constantly looking for ways to make your content compelling? Ekaterina Walter, global social innovation strategist at Intel, knows what that’s like. In an article for Fast Company, she highlights the most productive ways to approach content. “There’s an art to great content, and like any artist, you have to learn how to master your palette before you can paint like Van Gogh,” she writes. “The more you practice writing compelling headings, closing with a ‘call to action,’ telling stories from the heart, and connecting your content with a theme or philosophy, the more rewards you’ll see as people respond to your ideas and share with their friends. And always remember to add value as you engage with your communities.” (ht @SpeakerSue)
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