Associations Unite to Combat Child Hunger
The National Head Start Association and Share Our Strength plan to provide 10,000 low-income families with grocery store tours and educational tools in an effort to connect kids with healthier food.
The National Head Start Association and Share Our Strength, a campaign to end child hunger, are teaming up to provide 10,000 families with “Cooking Matters at the Store” grocery store tours.
“If we are able to help moms of young kids build cooking and shopping skills, we can connect kids with the healthy food they need every day,” Billy Shore, president and cofounder of Share Our Strength, said in a statement. “This is a goal that Share Our Strength and the National Head Start Association share. Together, we can instill healthy habits early in a child’s life in order to make a positive impact on their entire life.”
Share Our Strength is providing $100,000 to NHSA for staff and mini-grants to local Head Start agencies, in addition to training for all facilitators and materials for participants. NHSA has committed to reaching 10,000 Head Start families in 2013 and is looking to grow that number in the future.
Cooking Matters at the Store is part of the national Cooking Matters program, founded in 1993, which helps families learn about eating healthy on a tight budget through its six-week cooking courses, grocery store tours, and educational tools.