
Small-Business Group Revamps Its Accreditation Program

The National Association of Small Business Professionals is trying to level the playing field for cash-strapped startups.

The National Association of Small Business Professionals has debuted a tougher, more stringent approval process for its accredited business program for startups.

We feel these entrepreneurs deserve a chance to do business on a more level playing field. I believe NASBP Accreditation offers them that advantage.

“Traditionally, brand-new startups just don’t qualify to join other accredited business programs, simply because they are brand-new businesses without previous trading activity under their belts,” Kimberly Kelly, founder of the National Association of Small Business Professionals, said in a statement. “We feel these entrepreneurs deserve a chance to do business on a more level playing field. I believe NASBP accreditation offers them that advantage.”

NASBP says its accredited business program will help new small companies open for business with an online accredited business profile on the organization’s website and a “fair and accurate letter grade rating.” The group is also unveiling its approval process and additional membership benefits in an effort to be completely transparent.

“Smaller businesses have very limited access to the funding they need to grow. We get that,” Kelly said in the statement. “We wanted to create a more level playing field in the marketplace, as well as providing consumers with the added peace of mind that small startups are also honest and trustworthy businesses serving the community.”

(National Association of Small Business Professionals)

Daniel Ford

By Daniel Ford

Daniel Ford is a contributor to Associations Now. MORE

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