Lunchtime Links: These Hotels Go Beyond Wired Stays
Some hotels are wired to offer a lot more than just WiFi these days. Check out some of the most high-tech hotels in the world. Also: Why your management strategy should resemble Frisbee.
Remember when hotels didn’t even offer WiFi? It’s taken some years to catch up to guests’ tech requirements. Not anymore.
Ranking the best high-tech hotels in the world, and more, in today’s Lunchtime Links:
Hot high-tech hotels: From Tokyo to San Francisco to New York City, hotels are taking note of guests’ tech needs, and Mashable has compiled a list of the most tech-savvy spots. “These nine hotels put high-tech first: Think iPad concierges, paperless billing, robotic luggage handlers and infrared doorbell detectors, so housekeeping knows not to disturb,” Mashable writer Zoe Fox says. Some are getting flashy with their tech, like theWit Hotel Chicago: It has a 3D surface projection system that creates optical illusions in its rooftop bar. What are your tech requirements when booking hotels for association events or business trips?
It’s like catching a Frisbee: How do you ensure your association adapts to changing business environments? Leadership speaker and consultant Steve Denning suggests heuristics, or rules of thumb, that allow people to move forward in spite of rapidly changing conditions. Denning compares it to catching a Frisbee. “Managers under pressure to make many decisions can’t subject every one of them to thorough and dispassionate analysis,” Denning writes for the HBR Blog Network. “They rely to a large extent on what has worked in the past.”
So many photos, and even more space options: As Fast Company points out, the internet is full of places to store, share, and edit your images. But what’s the safest place to keep your association’s photos? Flickr and other services are adept at catering to users’ needs. If you don’t want to share your photos, you can keep them in a file on your iCloud or Dropbox. If you’re longing for organization, Google+ may be what you’re looking for. How does your association store its photos?