
Rules of Engagement: Disgruntled No More

How to keep a disgruntled member from running wild on your social media presences.

In the age of social media, a disgruntled member can be a major, public thorn in your side. Don’t let bad emotions simmer. Instead, respond swiftly:

Be direct and open. Backroom discussions, subtle confrontations, and other passive-aggressive reactions will not solve the problem. Shine a bright light on it and prove the organization can handle hiccups. There will always be hiccups.

Understand emotions. Like any customer service issue, a disruptive member’s concern may have a high level of emotion attached. A logical argument won’t satisfy an emotional fit. Help the member relax and lead you to a logical solution.

Look to your member ethics policy. The key to finding a satisfactory solution turns on if the member wants something more than just to cause trouble. If the member’s concern is worth setting up a panel to review the grievance, do it, document it, run it fairly, and move on. A good conflict management seminar for your board or even an independent mediator might help.

(Veer photo)

Eric Duchinsky

By Eric Duchinsky


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