Social Media Roundup: Time-Shift Your Twitter Feeds
Twitter's CEO reveals that the social network is experimenting with a live-events platform that would work much like a DVR. Also: Want to make your nonprofit more relevant? This checklist could help.
Imagine if Twitter had DVR functionality—allowing you to follow an event at your own pace and time-shift even as things are happening. Would that make events a lot easier for you to follow?
That, and more, in today’s Social Media Roundup:
Like Tivo, But for Twitter
“I can just replay it later,” says no one about events on Twitter, ever. From live events to TV specials, many comment or capture moments on Twitter. Well, following a hashtag isn’t enough to keep an active stream of tweets alive and stored. Twitter’s CEO, Dick Costolo, wants to make real-time data flow better to keep the town-hall discussions recorded. Costolo announced Twitter is experimenting with a better platform to stream live-event tweets that could work a lot like DVR. “That ability to track and monitor the moments within an event, either as they happen or to catch up with them, is something we want to enhance,” Costolo said during a panel discussion at the Center for Technology Innovation at the Brookings Institution. “We want to make that experience even better, curating the moments within the event, the media from it, and making it that much easier to navigate.” How could you take advantage of features like this during an event? (ht @OmniMeetings)
Stay Relevant
Is your nonprofit ready to be super relevant? Check out @kivilm's checklist to see if you really are. http://t.co/abazNWkoFQ #assnchat
— Deirdre Reid, CAE (@DeirdreReid) June 28, 2013
Don’t let your nonprofit get stale. Kivi Leroux Miller offers up a useful checklist for nonprofits designed to ensure freshness. The points include taking risks and learning from the outcome, empowering your staff to become a part of your organization’s community management, and systematically addressing the concerns of your organization’s supporters. “Use this checklist to determine if you are doing what it takes to be relevant,” she writes. “The more you agree with these statements, the better!” (ht @deirdrereid)
What links have you been sharing today? Let us know in the comments.
(Digital Vision/Thinkstock)