Social Media Roundup: Try Remixing Your Conference
Throw out the conventional approach to conferences: It might sound like a crazy idea, but it could actually work. Also: Cook up a great meeting with the right ingredients.
Spur-of-the-moment innovation can sometimes be a crazy idea, but it’s worth giving a shot.
Learn how remixing your conference’s approach can spark conversations, and what ingredients make a great meeting, in today’s Social Media Roundup.
This is the Remix
Innovation and engagement should be at the forefront of your conference, and to successfully blend the two, sometimes you’ve got to rethink, remix, and repurpose your approach. In his Medium blog post “Rethinking Conferences,” Srinivas Rao suggests unique ways to foster conversations and relationships. One particularly bold suggestion: “Give the speakers their topics the night before, the day of, or right before they get on stage. Make the whole thing improv,” writes Rao. Sounds like a crazy idea, but it could spark conversations—which is what you want. (ht @QuickMobile)
choose the right Ingredients
Cooking and meetings have a lot in common. In an article for Meeting Professionals International’s One+ Magazine, Jackie Mulligan compares the lessons she learned from cookery school to the principles of hosting a good meeting. Among the ingredients for a good meeting? Focus and fun, diverse learning formats, context, and most important, value. “When value is at the heart of success in the long term, this is food for thought. If we do manage to combine these ingredients in the right way at our meetings, we can rest assured that the value of that experience will be savored,” writes Mulligan for MPI. (ht @Cadence_Live)
What ingredients are you using for your meetings? Let us know in the comments.