
Social Media Roundup: Handle Your Association’s Rebranding With Care

How not to change your association’s brand and mission. Also: Don’t let distractions hinder your creativity.

Have you ever been opposed to a rebranding of one of your favorite products? Imagine disappointing your members with your association’s rebranding.

How to carefully rebrand your organization’s image, and more, in today’s Social Media Roundup:

Cautious Rebranding

When your association goes through major change, it affects everyone involved. Some of your members and staff may resist change, especially during a process like rebranding. But by staying true to your mission and offerings, the process can be smoother. “With organizations, a name change or rebranding can be potentially dangerous—despite the best of intentions,” notes marketing consultant Steve Drake, president of the SCD Group. Drake suggests weighing all your rebranding options before making a decision, especially when changing the association’s name. Has your association gone through rebranding? (h/t @sliceworks)

Creativity Destroyers

What hurts your creativity? Just like dieting, nurturing your creativity takes sacrifice and attention. There are plenty of things to distract you from your ultimate goal, such as lack of confidence, bad habits, and the fear of failure. But encouraging creativity in your association requires thinking big. Be open to anything. Step outside your comfort zone. Consider how those in unrelated areas do what they do. What seems impossible today may seem surprisingly doable tomorrow,” writes Dean Reick, direct marketing copywriter at Copyblogger. What are some of your techniques for maintaining creativity in your organization? (h/t @technischevents)

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Anita Ferrer

By Anita Ferrer

Anita Ferrer is a contributor to Associations Now. MORE

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