Social Media Roundup: How to Write an Effective Op-Ed
Publishing an op-ed in the local paper can be a boon for your organization. Don’t blow it. Plus: How to solve your meeting problems.
Occasionally you may need to write an op-ed that effectively argues your organization’s positions on important issues. Here are some tips that may help sway readers to your way of thinking.
The details, and more, in today’s Social Media Roundup:
Fantastic & specific how to–Op Ed Writing: Countering Your Opponent’s Argument http://t.co/x4dszcvDaB
— Nancy Schwartz (@NancySchwartz) July 25, 2013
Use your words well. An op-ed has the potential to reach millions of readers—it could change minds and even affect policy. You don’t want to mess it up! First tip: Make a single point, and do it clearly and persuasively. Margot Friedman of Getting Attention suggests including a rebuttal paragraph that disproves your opponent’s core argument. “It shows that you have thought about both sides of the issue and you have good reasons for coming down on one side or the other. Your support for a particular policy is based on facts and research, not knee-jerk ideology,” she writes. More op-ed writing tips here. (ht @NancySchwartz)
Do your meetings feel unorganized? Write a More Effective Agenda: http://t.co/u5dywpuDy0 #productivity #meetings
— Less Meeting (@LessMeeting) July 26, 2013
Stay on target. There’s nothing worse than a meeting that runs long, veers off-topic, and generally feels like a hot mess. A well-prepared agenda can solve these problems and keep your meeting on track. Stephen Weber of Less Meeting offers tips for creating effective meeting agendas. He recommends including three to five important topics and setting time limits for each. For example, he writes, keep your discussion of “social media strategy” to 15 minutes. Maybe a few minutes more if there are funny pictures of cats. (ht @LessMeeting)
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