Social Media Roundup: How Customer Experience Got Old School
Customer experience is in for a face lift, courtesy of the digital age. Plus: how Gen Y would lead.
Traditional interaction of yesteryears heeds to the new age of a digital world. Today’s members are keen to create their own experiences, backed by the infinite scope of their internet-sourced information. All they’re asking for are the tools you have to offer.
The scoop, and more, in today’s Social Media Roundup:
Out of the creator’s hands
Here’s to the future of engagement. Eons ago, in a time well before our internet days, consumer-association interaction followed a one-track path: the telephone that dialed through to the customer-service line. No longer, writes Vala Afshar in his article, “Is Customer Experience Manageable? An Industry Pundit Says No.“
“[E]xperience should be about building the infrastructure that allows customers to do whatever they want … through whatever channel they choose to do it,” he says. Plain point: Digitalization has reshaped member expectations. You provide the product—they’ll create the experience. The future now lies in engaging your members in whichever tool they are using. Welcome to the new age of customer experience. (ht @mfindling)
Imagine if
As an elder Gen Y this discussion fascinates me! What If Your ED Was a Millennial?
— Eva Sirman (@esirman) September 5, 2013
What if the management reigns were handed over millennial employees? Picture this: Collaboration for all. Monthly luncheon meetings for none. And tradition laid to rest at the hands of innovative thinking.
That could be a glimpse of the workforce if some of the 95 million millennials in the United States were in charge, says Director of Content and Client Marketing Christina G. Smith. So recruit away and engage them as you harness the talent, the vision, and the drive they have to offer. These future leaders of America are bringing you change to believe in. (ht @esirman)
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