Executive Summary: Pamela S. Dallstream, CMP, CMM
Pamela S. Dallstream, CMP, CMM, the director of meetings and conventions for the Society of Critical Care Medicine in Mt. Prospect, Illinois, is big on antiques and travel.
What I do when I’m not at work
Buy and sell primitive antiques, participate in Bible study classes, spend time with family, experiment with photography
My three goals for 2013
- Completely embrace the latest in technology
Enroll in a CAE study class
Dedicate more time to Samaritan’s Purse
Enroll in a CAE study class
Dedicate more time to Samaritan’s Purse
My favorite blogs
Kimball & Bean Garden Antiques, Vintage Rescue Squad, European Travel Blog
The best advice I ever got
Treat others as you want to be treated.
On my desk right now
Three-year budget, contract proposals for 2022–2023 SCCM Congress, SCCM Study Mission to South Africa daily itineraries, CAE application materials, family photos, international travel memorabilia
If I weren’t doing this, I’d …
… be living in Paris, shopping at flea markets, and helping Samaritan’s Purse.