
Social Media Roundup: Is Your Association Like Game of Thrones?

Does your organization’s political culture resemble an episode of Game of Thrones? Plus: How to analyze member feedback.

If you’ve ever watched HBO’s hit drama Game of Thrones, you know that politics can be a nasty business. Why your organization has more in common with the Houses of Lannister and Stark than you probably care to realize, and more, in today’s Social Media Roundup.

Association of Thrones


Defend your realm: For those of you who haven’t seen the HBO series Game of Thrones, it’s an epic fantasy defined by dirty political wrangling, petty and biting disputes, war and strife, and, occasionally, tragic beheadings. Sound anything like your association? No? Thad Lurie, managing director of technology consulting services for Old Town IT, suggests your organization probably has more in common with author George R.R. Martin’s fantasy realm than it knows. (Warning: this post contains spoilers.)
(h/t @ThadLurie)

Feedback Made Simple

Keep it basic: You’ve got a pretty good idea what your members want—or at least you think you do. But how can you really know unless you ask? It seems so simple. But gathering member feedback is easier said than done. Writing on LinkedIn, Perla Ni, founder and CEO of GreatNonprofits, offers several keys to establish an effective—and simple—strategy for analyzing feedback. Among her tips: Create a system that is manageable in house. “Nonprofits should not need to hire a PhD or outside consultants to do this,” she says. Make sure the questions you are asking are easily understood. And ensure that the information you’re collecting is presented in a way that managers and others can use it to create change within your organization. Read the rest of her tips here. (h/t @CSAEBC)

What’s on your social media radar today? Tell us in the comments.


Daniel Ford

By Daniel Ford

Daniel Ford is a contributor to Associations Now. MORE

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