CEO to CEO: Time to Unplug During the Holidays
How much do you unplug from the office during the holidays? Here's what a few top association executives had to say.
How much do you unplug from the office during the holidays? Here’s what a few top association executives had to say.
Mona Buckley
CEO, Professional Insurance Marketing Association, Chicago
I try to check my emails once in the morning and once at day’s end and only reply to critical items, delete routine reading items like newsletters, and then rely on my competent staff to call me if there is something important or time-sensitive.
Ernie Hartong
Executive Director, Association of Residential Cleaning Services International, Las Vegas
The key is to have the right balance year-round, not just at the holidays. Small-association staff members wear a lot of hats and sometimes work crazy hours. When you have limited staff, there are year-end items that need to be handled that last week of December and first week of January. We are more concerned with what gets done than with face time in the office.
Norman L. Fortenberry
Executive Director, American Society for Engineering Education, Washington, DC
I find that checking email twice a day lets me relax, knowing email is not out of control and that there are no ongoing crises. If there is a crisis, I can check that the characterization of the crisis is complete and that the remediation plan is adequate. As my new management team gains more experience, I expect these checks to become more and more perfunctory over time.
Peter Weinstein
Executive Director, Southern California Veterinary Medical Association, Cypress, California
To truly unplug, I have to make a very concerted effort to not touch my phone or tablet. The best way for me to do this is to stay busy, be engaged with family or friends, and realize that the world will not end if I skip a day or two of email. Honestly, this is a significant challenge for many of us. Bottom line: I am plugged-in, addicted, and need help—as do others.
Illustrations by Monica Hellstrom