
Social Media Roundup: Don’t Just Talk—Listen to Your Members

Get into members' minds by listening to what they have to say instead of driving the conversation yourself. Plus: The real deal behind the modern-day marketer.

Get into members’ minds by listening to what they have to say instead of driving the conversation yourself. Plus: the real deal behind the modern-day marketer.

Lend members your ears! Their insight could help you discover ways to serve them better.

One association executive’s tips, in today’s Social Media Roundup:

Talking Points

Flip the question: Eric Lanke, CEO of National Fluid Power Association, wants to dig deeper into the professional lives of his members. But on the yearly member visits he makes, Lanke writes on his blog, he finds he spends more time talking about what his association does than soaking up what his members are trying to achieve. His new realization: “[A] better frame may be: ‘Hey, you’ve been in the association for a while and we’ve hardly ever had any kind of contact. Why don’t I come down for a visit, listen to your plans and objectives for the year, and see if I can learn anything about the challenges you’re facing.’ Who knows? I might even hear something that helps me do my job better.” By asking about a member’s day-in, day-out workplace challenges, you discover where your association is best hitting member needs—and what you can do to target the challenges missed. (ht @VelChain)

What’s in a Name?

Marketing matters: Technological changes have driven a shift in marketing strategies. Marketers know it’s no longer about selling to a general market, but rather applying today’s innovative digital tools to provide engaging, helpful content that connects. That’s something Joe Ventura of Reading Partners explains in his guest post on Kivi’s Nonprofit Communications Blog. His take: Why focus so much energy on people who likely don’t care about your efforts? “Instead of trying to sell to ‘the general public,’” he argues, “let’s use the power of our digital tools to provide helpful, engaging, and entertaining content to that group of men and women most likely to be customers in the future.” By using content marketing, nonprofits can create an efficient and cost-effective platform to promote their message to people “with a predisposition to support your cause.” And you won’t even need the megaphone. (ht @venturajm)

Have any success stories about content marketing? Tell us in the comments.


Emma Beck

By Emma Beck

Emma Beck is a contributor to Associations Now. MORE

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