Social Media Roundup: Employee Satisfaction Is Like Brand Engagement
How your brand engagement strategy translates to your employee satisfaction techniques. Plus: Broaching the topic of your workplace’s generational differences.
How your brand-engagement strategy translates to your employee-satisfaction techniques. Plus: Broaching the topic of your workplace’s generational differences.
When it comes to improving engagement among your office staff, here’s the number-one rule: Satisfy your employees as you would your members.
That tip, and more, in today’s Social Media Roundup:
Company Courting
5 Ways Benefits Management Can Improve the Employee Experience – Page 2 http://t.co/mPDqI7BiIi via @cmswire
— Tammi Tatro (@TammiTatro) December 6, 2013
Twofold track: The smarts invested in your brand-marketing strategy translate when looking to improve the employee experience, writes CMS Wire’s Marissa Peacock. You’re told to engage members genuinely, welcome cultural and generational differences, and embrace the customer’s journey long before they invest in your organization. The same concepts, Peacock writes, apply to your employees. “[M]ap out the strategy for successful employee engagement from the moment they are recruited (perhaps even before), interviewed, hired, managed and promoted by the company,” she writes. The relationship between employee and employer—as well as the one between member and organization—goes both ways: What they can offer your organization, and how you can benefit them in return. What strategies apply to both your employee and member engagement? (ht @TammiTatro)
Friday Mojo
Generational Research Does Not Provide Answers (Friday Quote) http://t.co/JIaM8CiE9p
— Maddie Grant (@maddiegrant) December 6, 2013
We the team: The millennial mentality might seem worlds away from the baby boomer’s perspective. But, when sorting through office complexities, does it really matter? “Encapsulating the differences among generations gives the false impression that knowledge of these differences is going to solve your problems,” consultant and author Jamie Notter writes, citing a line from the beginning of his book Generational Diversity in the Workplace: Hype Won’t Get You Results. Just getting a grip on generational gaps, he writes, won’t solve the glitches in your office dynamics. Why? Because it’s too generalized. “Generational differences are very real sociological dynamics, but they apply to entire segments of the population—tens of millions of people in this country,” Notter writes. In the end, it’s not about attempting to understand an age group as a whole; rather it’s about welcoming and bringing individual differences into your one cohesive group. (ht @maddiegrant)
How do you bridge generational differences among your office teams? Tell us in the comments.