Social Media Roundup: Is Engaging Without Metrics Really Engagement?
Why tracking metrics should be more of a priority for organizations trying to build engagement. Also: What associations can borrow back from the new membership approach at Slate.
We talk all the time about trying to engage our members, but when we don’t even know what they want, how can we ever start to win them over? A good point to ponder in today’s Social Media Roundup:
Metrics Matter
We talk about the import of metrics, then we don't measure. We need to do more …#assnchat #masae #pasae http://t.co/PPSc0u74R4
— Todd @TVDAssociates (@tvdassociates) March 27, 2014
We know that engagement is important, so why don’t we actually, you know, do the measurements to figure out what to engage? That’s the big head-scratcher from consultant Todd Von Deak, CAE, who notes a recent eMarketer piece showing that most organizations are concerned about boosting engagement, but fewer than half are actually following through with any sort of measurement. This, to Von Deak, seems like an obvious opportunity. “We have spent a lot of time talking about strategies for tackling membership retention, online community development and strategic board development,” he writes. “My hope is to soon see capturing, and utilizing, performance metrics included in that same sentence.” (ht @tvdassociates)
Learning From Us, Learning From Them
Old Paywalls & New Membership Models (via @avectra) http://t.co/qy8ROSpmPz #assnchat
— Deirdre Reid, CAE (@DeirdreReid) March 27, 2014
As we pointed out the other day, the popular online magazine Slate is going the membership route for some of its content starting this week. Obviously, it’s interesting that a company known for its content is borrowing cues from the association world, but what can associations take back from it on the other side of things? On the Avectra blog, Deirdre Reid, CAE, suggests that the lesson here is not to go all-in on any one approach. “Don’t give all your content away, no no no,” she writes. “Give most of it away—after all, that’s good for marketing and SEO. Offer an online membership or subscription for those who aren’t interested in a traditional membership. Give subscribers access to online content and parts of your online community—let them have a taste of the membership experience.” By the way, The New York Times is updating its subscription model, too, focusing on both the high and low ends of the market. Check it out. (ht @deirdrereid)
Think you’ll give the new Slate subscription service a whirl? Share your take in the comments.