Social Media Roundup: Don’t Mess Up the Follow-Through
An event expert shares what steps to avoid when rounding up attendees via email. Also: a little advice on acquiring quality feedback from your next event survey.
Your marketing campaign may appear to be full of influential facts for potential conference attendees, but sending them straight to the registration page could scare them away.
More in today’s Social Media Roundup:
Not So Fast
Three Detours That Derail Conference YES Decisions http://t.co/xpuRlay2HD #pcma #eventprofs
— Donna Kastner (@DonnaKastner) April 9, 2014
“You worked hard to earn that ‘maybe’ click,” Velvet Chainsaw’s Donna Kastner writes, but if you aren’t careful, you can easily snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
For instance, if you send your potential attendees directly from your email to the registration page without giving them more information on the event, you could lose them. Another caveat: If links in your email campaign redirect to your organization’s homepage rather than the specific event’s site, that split second of confusion could color the potential guest’s expectations.
“If you serve up a niche message, when they click, they need to feel like they belong,” Kastner writes. “Show me you know me. Take me to my tribe and a special page that highlights sessions of greatest interest.” (ht @DonnaKastner)
A Quick Questionnaire
Most surveys are boring, so you owe it to your attendees to make sure the post-event survey is anything but a drag. QuickMobile’s Hannah Kaeter offers tips on how to make event surveys short, sweet, and to the point—but also beneficial.
For one, many of your members probably read their emails and complete surveys on their mobile devices (especially if your association is millennial focused), Kaeter says, so it’s important to verify that you have mobile-friendly surveys. If your event has its own smartphone app, consider including the survey there as well.
She advises keeping the survey short to minimize the chance of users stopping halfway through. And don’t forget to include an incentive. If your members know they’ll get something in return, you may see your response rate go sky high. (ht @QuickMobile)