Social Media Roundup: When Layoffs Have to Happen
Tips on making a difficult part of the job a little easier. Also: highlights from a recent association publishing conference.
It’s not the part of the job any executive looks forward to, but sometimes it’s necessary.
Whether for business or performance reasons, layoffs come with the leadership territory. That’s why it’s important to know how to let employees go in a way that limits hurt feelings and softens the blow. Tips from one well-versed exec in today’s Social Media Roundup:
Be Honest About It
What I learned from laying off 200 people @zahllimbuwala http://t.co/L8eg3WsoCC #assnchat #hrchat
— Jay S Daughtry M.Ed. (@ChatterBachs) May 28, 2014
“While actually breaking the news to him was one of the hardest things I’d ever done in my career, the shock of how he reacted to the news was even more mortifying.”
Laying people off is never fun, but there are certainly ways to make it less painful. In a LinkedIn blog post, Romonet CEO Zahl Limbuwala outlines the lessons he learned from dismissing employees through the years. (The quote above refers to the first person Limbuwala laid off, who did not take it well.)
Since that initial firing, the Romonet chief executive has repeated the experience 200-odd times. And while he’s never gotten comfortable with doing it, he’s learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t—as well as the value of any employee to a business.
“What I learned after making so many layoffs myself in one-on-one meetings with people is that there isn’t a ‘right’ or ‘good’ way to convey such a message,” he writes. “It’s generally very tough, and I found the only thing that made a difference was being honest, direct, and swift in delivering the bad news.” (ht @ChatterBachs)
AM&P, Recapped
Storytelling, #content, #socialmedia, video — Tips on all of it from #amp14 http://t.co/NBOApgeQDZ #assnchat
— Melanie Padgett Powers (@MelEdits) May 28, 2014
Couldn’t make it to last week’s Association Media & Publishing conference? Fret not, for Melanie Powers has you covered. Powers, a freelance writer and social media content strategist, served on the group’s annual meeting committee and made a point to advocate for (and present a session about) social media at the event.
While at the conference, “I was reminded so many times how much I love associations and how connected I feel to my association peers,” she said.
In case you missed anything, Powers has organized a number of Storify pieces about conference events, including one on a session with a nice provocative title: “LinkedIn—Friend or Foe?“
Read more on Powers’ blog. (ht @MelEdits)