Meetings Roundup: Power Networking

Meetings Roundup: Power Networking

A government relations professional and legal expert walk into a convention center …

A government relations professional and legal expert walk into a convention center …

That might sound like the start of a bad joke, but it’s exactly what will happen just days before this year’s midterm elections when the 2014 Annual Association Law Symposium and 2014 Government Relations Symposium get underway. Association GR and public policy gurus will rub shoulders with in-house counsel at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center to do some learning and networking. The events have separate registration and educational breakout sessions but will share general sessions. Here’s a preview.

General Sessions

Charles E. Cook, editor and publisher of The Cook Political Report and a political analyst for the National Journal, has been called “one of the best political handicappers in the nation” by The New York Times. In the Opening General Session, Cook will share his insights on key midterm contests that could shape the political and legislative landscape.

Back by popular demand, ASAE General Counsel Jerry Jacobs will provide an informative and entertaining overview of developments in association law and public policy. As the lunchtime speaker, he will outline the need-to-know changes affecting legal and government relations professionals who assist nonprofit membership organizations.

Standout Breakouts


  • Big Changes Coming to Wage-and-Hour Law in the Association Workspace
  • Navigating the Social Landscape: Legal Considerations for Associations
  • Chapter Relationship Meltdown: Best Practices and Considerations

Government Relations:

  • Meet the Press: Getting the Media to Pay Attention to Your Public Policy Campaign
  • Put Out the Welcome Mat: When Inclusive Advocacy Is Your Best Option
  • Follow the Leader: Executive Presence and Your GR Career Path
Associations Now Staff

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