Safety Top-of-Mind for Bus, Gaming Associations
In response to a series of crashes involving buses carrying passengers to casinos, the American Bus Association and the American Gaming Association are teaming up to hold motor coach firms to higher standards.
The trip to the casino shouldn’t be as much of a gamble as the slot machine.
Two leading associations in the busing and gaming industries agree with that sentiment. Concerned by a recent history of bus crashes involving groups traveling to casinos, the American Bus Association (ABA) and the American Gaming Association (AGA) have created a partnership intended to hold bus operators to higher standards.
“Our industry is committed to the safety of our guests, and our partnership with the American Bus Association will take that commitment one step further,” AGA President and CEO Geoff Freeman said in a press release.
The two associations plan to ensure stronger vetting of the bus lines that work with casinos, ensuring that travelers are riding only on licensed buses.
“Both organizations are leaders within their industry segments and recognize that by working together we can help to ensure our respective customers will have safe experiences,” ABA President and CEO Peter Pantuso said in the news release.
One example of the partnership in action: The city of Springfield, Massachusetts, the home base of the Peter Pan Bus Company, will soon have a new MGM Resorts International location. The casino will be the first of its kind in Massachusetts, though its future wasn’t a sure thing until recently. Voters last month rejected a ballot measure that would have repealed a 2011 law allowing casinos in the state.
In comments to The Republican, Peter Pan Chairman and CEO Peter Picknelly noted the economic potential of the collaboration. For years, the company’s buses have transported casino fans to casinos in nearby Connecticut; soon, buses will start taking passengers to Massachusetts.
But for such a strategy to work, Pantuso notes, there have to be high standards.
“We want the riding public to have confidence in safety, and the casino operators need to have confidence the buses are operated safely,” Pantuso told editors at The Republican this week.
The joint effort is part of the AGA’s “Get to Know Gaming” campaign.