Friday Buzz: Become a Champagne Extraordinaire
One association provides the world an educational website on that Champagne fizzle. Plus: Learn all that "marketing automation" slang you've been hearing about.
Who wouldn’t want to learn about bubbly Champagne?
An international website—thrown together by the trade group Comité Champagne—offers up a wealth of knowledge on everything Champagne.
The group calls Champagne Campus a “contemporary, fun and easy to access” online resource—one already available in English, French, and Chinese.
The site asks users a set of questions. Based on their answers, they are determined to be novices, enthusiasts, or lovers. Then, a factual tour starts, followed by a quiz that tests users on what they’ve learned. The results can be shared via social media.
But, don’t worry, it’s not like school: “The design of the course is very intriguing, with various forms such as games, videos, quizzes and practice to provide an enjoyable learning experience,” Wang Wei, the group’s Chinese representative, told Decanter China.
If visitors want to take it further, there’s a 150-question Champagne Campus app for both iOS and Android users.
This approach—providing accessible educational resources for greater knowledge on a subject matter relevant to their industry—is perfect for many associations.
It can also strengthen support for organizations, whether by drawing in newly interested members or even drumming up new business for current members. Comité Champagne doesn’t have the alcohol market tapped out on this front, either: Last year, a four-day course on beer and food, presented by the Brewers Association, was opened to the public.
All About “Marketing Automation”
Thanks, @SocialFish! Infographic insightfully explains 5 #Marketing Automation platforms' terms. http://t.co/4CoApklGHt #AssnChat #CMgrChat
— Eric Hatch: Servant of God & you, by His grace (@HatchEvent) May 22, 2015
Know what marketing automation is? If not, Uberflip and Macromator have it all laid out for you in an infographic up at SocialFish.
There are several different terms in marketing-automation lingo, which services like Marketo, HubSpot, Act-On, and others use to streamline things when helping organizations.
Take a look at the super helpful and humorous infographic! (ht @HatchEvent)
Other Notable Links
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