Friday Buzz: A Record Attempt Worth Getting Out of Bed For
How one Orlando tradeshow became host to a world-record attempt that involved a lot of mattresses—as well as an important cause. Also: Mitt Romney, charity boxer.
There’s always room to put a different spin on an event. Just ask the attendees at the Furniture Today Bedding Conference in Orlando.
On Thursday, 256 people took part in setting a bed-making record at the behest of Serta Simmons Bedding. The goal, beyond setting a Guinness World Records mark for “greatest number of people making beds simultaneously at a single venue”? To draw attention to pancreatic cancer research, particularly the efforts of the Seena Magowitz Foundation.
“Thanks to the help of our friends in the industry, today, we made history for a purpose,” Serta CEO Gary Fazio said in a news release. “We hope this achievement serves to spotlight and celebrate the mission and message of the Seena Magowitz Foundation and its tremendous efforts to raise awareness and funds for pancreatic cancer research, as well as the bedding industry’s unwavering support of the cause.”
Fazio added that it offered a moment of unity within a competitive industry: “While a lot of us compete on the retail floor, it was amazing to see such unification and shared commitment to one cause.”
The event, which involved 35 different twin-sized beds—each with donated mattresses, frames, and bedding—resulted in the creation of 70 different beds in about 15 minutes. The result was verified by Guinness World Records adjudicator Philip Robertson.
“Participants in this successful record attempt at the most people making beds most importantly have raised awareness and monies that will positively impact research into an awful disease,” Robertson said.
Have you ever put on a world-record attempt at your conference? Seems like a good way to get people to work together for a cause.
Speaking of Charity Events …
It’s no Mayweather-Pacquiao fight, but it’s close. On Friday night, former Republican presidential candidate and Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney will take on former World Boxing champ Evander Holyfield in a celebrity boxing match that promises to be interesting, if nothing else. The match benefits CharityVision, a nonprofit that works to help people in developing countries who are facing blindness.
Anyone looking to join in on the fun can donate $10 to the charity to watch live online.
Other Links of Note
Trying to understand the basics of filing for a nonprofit organizational status? This Entrepreneur piece will get you moving.
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