CEO to CEO: Accomplishments to Admire
What did your association accomplish in 2015 that you’re proudest of?
Margaret S. Bauer, CAE
Past Executive Director, Pennsylvania Music Educators Association, Hamburg, Pennsylvania
PMEA was awarded the Advocacy Award given annually by the National Association for Music Education. After many years of hard work, the publication of a book titled How Has Music Education Impacted Your Life?, and unwavering dedication to advocacy, our association is most proud to have achieved this recognition. Our officers are still talking about the experience and are even more committed to ensuring a quality music education for all students in Pennsylvania.
Kathleen Mennillo
Executive Director, International Hearing Society, Livonia, Michigan
Our association achieved accreditation from the U.S. Department of Labor, which certified the hearing aid specialist profession as a part of the National Apprenticeship System in accordance with the standards established by the secretary of labor. This project, which was 18 months in the making, provides national standards for on-the-job training across the United States and opens the door to a new pool of talented workers seeking a career in the healthcare arena.
Randi Mayes
Executive Director, International Legal Technology Association, Austin, Texas
We reimagined our volunteer structure, eliminating long-standing special-interest groups and geography-based segments, and moved to a programming planning model that emulates our successful practices for our conference events. This holistic approach to programming will provide more relevant content year-round and role-based volunteer opportunities that better align with our members’ expertise and time constraints.
Stacy Tetschner, FASAE, CAE
CEO, National Speakers Association, Tempe, Arizona
NSA transitioned from having an annual membership convention to creating a larger industry event that serves all levels of those involved in speaking. This newly branded event, Influence2015, launched with over 1,600 attendees that included member and nonmember professional speakers, professional speakers’ staff, association CEOs, speakers bureau owners and agents, vendor partners, and people who hire professional speakers.