Conference Circuit: One Big Experiment
Experimental Biology 2016 will kick off this weekend in sunny San Diego.
Experimental Biology 2016 will kick off this weekend in sunny San Diego.
More than 14,000 scientists and exhibitors representing six sponsoring societies and multiple guest societies are headed to San Diego for five days of plenary and award lectures, preconference workshops, oral and poster sessions, onsite career services, and exhibits.
Associations: American Association of Anatomists, American Physiological Society, American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, American Society for Investigative Pathology, American Society for Nutrition, American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
Conference: Experimental Biology 2016
Venue: San Diego Convention Center
Experimental Biology 2016 will kick off on Saturday with opening sessions and welcome receptions hosted by almost all of the sponsoring societies. For example, the American Academy of Anatomists will feature keynoter Zena Werb, who will discuss new insights into stem cells. Meanwhile, the American Society for Nutrition and the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology will host opening receptions that evening. Also on the agenda:
Cross-society themes. EB 2016 offers attendees the opportunity to enhance their experience and broaden their understanding of cross-disciplined research, all at one meeting. The society program chairs and executive officers looked at the 2016 programs for all six societies and identified seven cross-society themes, including cancer biology and metabolism and metabolic disease, which will allow attendees to get a broader perspective.
Practice makes perfect. During the course of the meeting, the career center will not only offer seminars, resume critiques, and essay assessment but also presenter preparation practice labs where attendees can rehearse and get feedback from designated workshop mentors and coaches. (Attendees should also visit the tattoo booth where they can get “temporarily inked” by career resources staff.)
Family friendly. Can’t find a babysitter? No problem. Camp EB will take place during the conference. Children ages 6 months to 17 years can participate in age-appropriate activities, including arts and crafts projects, active games, and much more in a safe environment at the convention center. There will also be an onsite family room and nursing lounge.
To conduct some research of your own about EB 2016, head to Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter (#expbio).