Print Engagement

Wednesday Buzz: A New Way to Measure Print Engagement

BPA Worldwide is developing a new method to gauge the depths of your audience's print engagement. Plus: Learn why charities are flocking to virtual reality.

When it comes to measuring the success of your content, digital platforms have an advantage over their print counterparts. From Google Analytics to Facebook Insights, you can get a snapshot of your organization’s online performance with the click of a button. But as online measurement continues to evolve, many publishers are wondering whether the same degree of analysis can be applied to their print magazines. Enter media-assurance agency BPA Worldwide, which may have a solution.

Their new Shoppability program measures audience impact through an app that lets readers scan products they see in a magazine and links them directly to an online store, according to a report in Folio Magazine.

The goal of the app, created to measure the success of fashion retailer Net-a-Porter’s bimonthly publication, Porter, is to better acquaint publishers with the potential of e-commerce.

“What we’re hoping is that these reports bridge the gap between the ‘old world’ and the ‘new world,’ what advertsers actually do want to see and the metrics that they want measured,” Francis Stones, BPA’s director of European operations, told Folio.

Although not every association is interested in e-commerce, Shoppability highlights the importance of making sure your analytics efforts stretch beyond your website. With the right technology and creative solutions, you could get a better picture of the efficacy of your print ads for conferences, webinars, or member recruitment.

Twitter Chat of the Day

The Society for Human Resource Management hosts a weekly conversation under the hashtag #NextChat, and today’s Q&A prompted a series of intriguing discussions on whistle-blowing in the workplace.

Other Good Reads

Looking for a fresh way to engage donors? It may be time to consider virtual reality. In this article, Wired senior editor Angela Watercutter shows how charities are using VR technology to move people to action.

As the sharing economy continues to expand, traditional companies like Hyatt are looking to jump on the trend of selling experiences through new types of brand partnerships. Fast Company has the details.

Facebook is letting more organizations engage followers with live video, but how do these broadcasts fit in with the rest of the links, articles, and photos being shared? David Cohen of Social Times gives insight into how Facebook’s News Feed algorithm treats live video posts.

(Hoài Anh Bino/Stocksnap)

Eli Zimmerman

By Eli Zimmerman

Eli is studying Journalism at the University of Maryland. When not studying, he likes to relax with a nice book or a couple rounds at the local boxing gym. MORE

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