Best Benefit Ever: Appointment Viewing for a Technical Trade
The Association of International Metallizers, Coaters, and Laminators hopes to get its members glued to their laptops every Friday morning.
What is it? The Association of International Metallizers, Coaters, and Laminators (AIMCAL) obviously has a very technical focus—one that requires some explanation and training to properly grasp, even for those in the industry. That may be a big driver behind the launch of AIMCAL TV, a new benefit offered by the trade group. The live offering, which debuted last Friday and discussed the concept of “web curl,” concluded with a Q&A that allowed for real-time responses from the host, David Roisum of Finishing Technologies, Inc.
Why it works: This education strategy is akin to a webinar but is designed for weekly appointment viewing. Instead of a session being held once in a while, AIMCAL members know that they’re getting a new educational session every Friday at 11 a.m. EST. “The goal of AIMCAL TV is to provide a benefit to our members and community by providing useful information about the technologies we represent,” AIMCAL Executive Director Craig Sheppard said in a news release [DOC]. “Eventually, we hope to add market research and economic programming. We hope AIMCAL TV will become a part of everyone’s Friday.”
Other benefits: The group, which represents those involved in various processes for coating of flexible substrates, offers a number of member benefits. Among them: regularly produced research reports on different markets and the industry’s business climate, along with a variety of technical resources, continuing-education opportunities, and marketing programs.