
Data Nugget: Why Generations Join

When it comes to the benefits that professionals seek from associations, preferences change with age. A recent study of association members from software firm Abila found that jobs, training, and career advancement rate highest for younger members, while those in older generations value more good-of-the-order benefits.

Millennials (1981-1998)

50 percent: Job Opportunities
47 percent: Code of Ethics
46 percent: Credentials
46 percent: Training
43 percent: Networking

Gen Xers (1965-1980)

50 percent: Industry Info
48 percent: Code of Ethics
47 percent: Credentials
46 percent: Networking
46 percent: Job Opportunities

Boomers (1946-1964)

48 percent: Code of Ethics
47 percent: Industry Info
37 percent: Raising Awareness
36 percent: Credentials
36 percent: Networking

Matures (1945 or Earlier)

48 percent: Code of Ethics
45 percent: Industry Info
33 percent: Credentials
33 percent: Raising Awareness
30 percent: Socializing

Source: Abila, “Member Engagement Study: Aligning Organization Strategy With What Matters Most to Members”


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