Thursday Buzz: How to Honor a Celebrity Icon
When the Signal Corps Regimental Association learned that comic book legend Stan Lee was in the Signal Corps, they made him a member. Also: Don’t neglect the spiritual side of life while you lead.
You may already know the legendary Stan Lee as one of the co-creators of iconic comic characters like Spider-Man, Ironman, and the X-Men. But did you also know that the 94-year-old served in the military during World War II?
The Signal Corps Regimental Association did, but only recently learned he had served in the U.S. Army’s Signal Corps. So the association did what came naturally—it honored Lee for his service.
Lee was inducted into the association March 3, according to the Army Times. Lee said it was one of his “proudest moments.”
“I knew for years that Stan had served in the Army; it’s a matter of public record. But in December I was reading an article, it was about Stan Lee. They specifically mentioned that he served in the Signal Corps,” said Inductor Sgt. 1st Class Nicholas Jones. “I reached out to ask if Stan was already a member, and they said that he wasn’t, so I proposed that we make him one.”
It’s an example any association that has a tie to a well-known celebrity could borrow from.
Soul of Leadership
Why We Shouldn't Be Afraid To Embrace The #Spiritual Side Of #Leadership – https://t.co/lxNToRzrPr
— Cynthia Mills, FASAE (@TheLeadersHaven) March 9, 2017
Are you just a boss, or are you a leader with purpose?
You probably should be the latter. Forbes contributor Chris Myers makes the case that bosses should be leading from a place of soulfulness.
He concedes that talking about spirituality can be uncomfortable, but he argues that leadership shouldn’t just be about directing people—it’s about service.
He warns that leaders ignore the spiritual aspects of life, and “as a result, we feel lost, apathetic, and often even nihilistic about the role we play in business, politics, and life in general.”
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Comic artist Stan Lee. (Gage Skidmore/Flickr)