Wednesday Buzz: Morning Advice for Event Planners
Discover new ways to amp up your morning routine so you can have a more productive day. Also: How to create a better conference logo.
Does your morning routine prime you for a busy day of event planning?
According to the Event Manager Blog, you can boost your job productivity by performing several key tasks before 9 a.m.
We hate to say it, night owls, but in order to build a more effective morning routine, you’re going to have to be awake to experience it. That means waking up early. But you don’t need to jump right to setting tomorrow’s alarm clock for 4 a.m. Ease into it incrementally to make it easier to commit to.
Event Manager Blog also recommends sticking with things you may already be doing (or know you should be doing), including exercise, showering, and eating a healthy breakfast. But to really amp up your morning, you should aim to do something you love.
“Whether it is a passion project or simply sitting with a coffee and reading a book, spend a little time each morning doing something entirely for you that you enjoy,” writes the blog. “This can help you to reduce event planning stress and mentally prepare for the day ahead.”
Logo Logic
Logos are one of the most recognizable visual representations of your conference. MeetingsNet shares ways to be strategic and impactful when coming up with your next one.
Kate Silva, design director at Freeman XP, tells MeetingsNet that a good logo is a simple logo. “Don’t clutter it with all the details. Location. Venue. Dates. That’s what invitations and websites are for,” she says.
Many event pros wonder if they should change logos each year, but Silva says to stay consistent.
“Changing a conference logo each year suggests confusion around your brand. Connections are not formed. Expectations are lost,” says Silva. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make small tweaks to color or iconography to freshen up the logo.
Learn more about logos here.
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