Tuesday Buzz: Is Your Leadership Pipeline Clogged?
Why it may be time to reassess your organization’s leadership path. Also: Xperience Design Project premieres with innovative viewing formats.
Is your leadership pipeline too rigid? If it’s been awhile since you reviewed how your organization promotes leaders, then it may be time to consider if your organization is leaving high-potential leaders on the sidelines—and whether you may be one of those left behind.
Forbes provides several questions to ask to assess if your leadership pipeline is optimized for your organization and right for your career goals.
Start with determining if there is a defined leadership ladder. “If it’s a secret, assess whether the company’s leadership practices are antiquated and how comfortable you are with that,” writes Kelly Byrnes, president of Voyage Consulting Group.
Also consider who’s in charge of the pipeline. Does HR handle the process, or is it a senior leadership team? “It would be best for HR to facilitate the logistics while business leaders identify the development paths and relevant on-the-job learning opportunities,” says Byrnes.
It’s also important to develop a full understanding of how leaders are developed within your organization. “Ideally, the pipeline would be more of a matrix than a pipe,” writes Byrnes. “It would be ideal for companies to develop people for the senior leadership team, with heavy emphasis on leadership and less on a particular function.”
Revolutionizing Meetings
#myxdp Pushing the edge of the event experience! Roll on! pic.twitter.com/NYz5MS4rg8
— Tobin Conley, CAE (@TobinConley) May 23, 2017
It's hard to capture the experience in a pic but trust me – this isn't your grandfather's conference. #myXDP @XDPbyASAE #nextgen #wow pic.twitter.com/GSPcmMiCyA
— Sarah Sladek (@SarahSladek) May 23, 2017
The first ever Xperience Design Project kicks off today in National Harbor, Maryland. It’s a two-day experience powered by ASAE for association professionals who are looking to co-create more relevant and exciting events.
XDP aims to revolutionize how conferences and events are delivered, and organizers are leading by example with a 360-degree video display—something to consider for your next meeting.
Check out the XDP site for more information and follow the #myXDP hashtag on Twitter for live updates.
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