Wednesday Buzz: Make Your Point Visually
A vehicle-safety program effectively make the case for driving newer vehicles—with the help of a clever video. Also: Check out some resources if you’re trying to get a handle on the WannaCry ransomware attack.
The improvements that an industry makes over the years may not always be apparent to the naked eye.
Which means that you might have to use a clever framing element to make those issues clear. That’s something that the Australasian New Car Assessment Program (ANCAP), the safety watchdog based in Australia and serving nearby New Zealand, was successfully able to do with a recent video it created.
Here’s the setup: What would happen if a 1998 Toyota Corolla crashed, head-on, into a 2015 Toyota Corolla?
The result is startling: The 1998 vehicle (along with the crash test dummy inside of that vehicle) was basically crushed, while the 2015 vehicle, though suffering major damage, was built to withstand the damage and protect the driver.
ANCAP CEO James Goodwin said the video helped draw attention to the fact that older vehicles are often given to drivers who have more risk factors.
“It is unfortunate we tend to see our most at-risk drivers—the young and inexperienced, as well as the elderly and more frail—in the most at-risk vehicles, and we hope this test promotes a conversation to encourage all motorists to consider the safety of their car,” Goodwin said in a news release.
As you can see by the video, the results speak for themselves.
Wanna Cry About WannaCry?
Required reading for association & nonprofit execs in the aftermath of #wannacry https://t.co/WEldN3U2qg #assnchat #cybersecurity pic.twitter.com/VktjF0yLqv
— DelCor (@delcor) May 17, 2017
The association IT consultancy DelCor has its ear to the ground about the recent WannaCry ransomware attack, which hit in a big way last week. But while it hasn’t negatively affected any associations at this juncture, according to the company, now’s a good time to keep in mind the risk factors, the company’s Bill Rowan writes.
Check out the DelCor blog to get a gander at some security-related resources that are targeted directly at associations.
Other Links of Note
Password concerns: Lifehacker warns of a new mass email leak featuring over 560 million leaked email addresses and passwords. Learn how to keep yourself safe.
The new site-testing tool Google Optimize could make your life a whole lot easier, CMS Wire reports. Here’s how.
The art of the tentative “no”: Fast Company has some tips on saying “no” to something, but with the potential of making it a “yes” later on.
(YouTube screenshot)