Tuesday Buzz: Member Retention Ideas
How to keep new members invested in your organization. Also: Discover the best ways to manage your rock star employees.
Having a robust membership retention program is vital for any member-based organization. For many associations, a common retention target is around 75 percent, but benchmarking survey results from Advanced Solutions International show retention rates are slipping this year.
How can you keep new members from jumping ship? According to a recent blog post from association management company SBI, when considering whether to renew, members ask themselves if their time and money has been worth it. And they ask themselves if the association is important to their professional careers. To maximize your retention rate, make sure the answer to both of these questions is a resounding “Yes!”
Any membership retention program should lean on developing relationships. Start with reaching out to new members. “Deploy a cohort of passionate ambassadors to do outreach and connect with each new member during their first year,” writes SBI. “It seems so basic, but new friendships can turn an impersonal institution into a scene from the TV classic Cheers.”
A mentoring program will also go a long way in helping with retention. New members will appreciate the relationships they will develop. “First-timers will be grateful for the advice and insights from someone who knows the ropes.”
Managing Top Talent
How to Manage a Team of All-Stars https://t.co/8qtvdQKVPG
— Harvard Business Review (@HarvardBiz) June 6, 2017
You did all the work to attract top talent to work for your organization. But how do you make sure that you’re maximizing their skills?
Harvard Business Review shares tips for managing rock star employees.
Start with tracking your best employees. “The best-performing companies treat difference-making talent as a scarce resource,” writes Michael Mankins. “They track it carefully and make sure that it is consistently put to its highest value and best use.”
Another tactic: Put these all-stars on the same team on high-priority initiatives. “Star talent has an outsized impact on team productivity,” says Mankins. “The greater the percentage of A players on a team, the more productive that team will be.”
Other Links of Note
Looking to boost your Facebook marketing? The Buffer blog shares little-known tips and tricks to get the most out of the social platform.
One of the most important things associations do is public advocacy. Partners Preceptors provides some helpful advice for creating a public awareness campaign.
Your community registration rates will spike and fall over time. Feverbee provides some clarity and context to these trends.