
Career Coach: Social Media Do’s and Don’ts

Career advice on social media strategy from certified coach Rob Moran.

What’s a surprising mistake job seekers make when using social media?

They are so worried that recruiters will perceive something online about them as negative that they make themselves impossible to find online. According to Adweek, 92 percent of recruiters and HR pros now scour online sources for additional information on candidates. Since LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook rank high on search engines, make sure that you’ve represented yourself well on these sites. If you hide your information, you could actually be doing yourself a disservice.

What on a job seeker’s online profiles could make a recruiter think twice?

One common thing I’ve had recruiters and hiring managers tell me is this: The candidate’s profiles displayed poor communication skills. That’s right, good grammar and clarity matter in every medium. Other no-nos include badmouthing previous or current employers, making discriminatory comments, or lying about qualifications. What’s one change professionals should make to their online presence today?

Hands down, they should update their LinkedIn professional headline. A typical default headline is, “Director of Human Resources, ABC Association.” That doesn’t necessarily add value to your profile. But if you were to say, “Human resources executive who builds partnerships with other executives to engage employees in the mission of the organization,” that is a value-added statement. It immediately tells prospective employers what contribution you can make to an association.

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Associations Now Staff

By Associations Now Staff

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