Data Nugget: Morning, Noon, or Night?
The question of timing, when it comes to email marketing.
When are your members most likely to open your email? According to the 2017 Association Email Marketing Benchmarking Report from Informz, which analyzed more than a billion emails sent by associations in 2016, messages sent in the late afternoon had the highest open rate, at 36.5 percent. Meanwhile, messages sent at midday accounted for the largest percentage of sent emails and had the highest click rate.
Email Open and Click Rates by Time of Day
Open Rate: 31.5 percent
Click Rate: 13.9 percent
Open Rate: 35.4 percent
Click Rate: 15.7 percent
Late Afternoon
Open Rate: 36.5 percent
Click Rate: 15.3 percent
Open Rate: 36.3 percent
Click Rate: 13.0 percent
(spooh/iStock/Getty Images Plus)