
Monday Buzz: Finding the Spark in Social Media Again

If social media delivers you more doom and gloom than inspiration, check out these tips for rediscovering the joy that it used to bring. Also: why keynote speeches are shrinking.

Remember when social media used to be fun? These days, it just feels exhausting. The constant barrage of discomforting news and information can put a real strain on our mood.

For those of us in the marketing world, avoiding social media isn’t an option. Luckily, the Hootsuite blog shared a few tips for refreshing our personal social feeds—and these suggestions can also help reboot your association’s social media spaces.

If part of your problem with social media is that all of the news in your feed is bad news, then it’s time to follow new people and pages that share more uplifting content. “The problem is we’re not always so judicious when it comes to making connections,” writes Ryan Holmes. “It’s easy to end up with a feed dominated by a few loudmouths you barely know with a knack for stirring up controversy.”

While you look for new people to follow, consider if your organization’s following list has gotten stale. Research members and new influencers in your field who can bring different perspectives to your social feeds.

You’ll also get more out of your news feeds if you follow more local accounts. “Seek out local politicians, journalists, and businesses on Twitter,” says Holmes. “I’ve found that the more local your social media connections are, the more rewarding the experience is.”

Short and Sweet

You may remember a time when meeting keynotes stretched to an hour or longer. But lengthy keynotes are falling by the wayside.

Event Marketer spoke with a few leaders in the event space about why speeches are shrinking and how conferences are shaking things up.

Paul Salinger, vice president of marketing at Oracle, contends that the very nature of what a keynote can be is changing. “There is some movement toward shrinking keynotes, but the same way we are segmenting audiences and trying to identify audiences and relevant contextual content for them, we are trying to design keynotes that fit into those formats in a different way,” he says.

Other Links of Note

Are your donors loyal? The Bloomerang blog shares ways to get donors coming back year after year.

Your media relations could be better. Kivi’s Nonprofit Communications Blog reveals how to take them from good to “G.R.E.A.T.”

We all know that VR and AR are going to have a big impact on the future of events. BizBash reveals how emerging technology is changing the event space right now.

(SafakOguz/iStock/Getty Images Plus)

Raegan Johnson

By Raegan Johnson

Raegan Johnson is a contributor to Associations Now. MORE

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