Rules of Engagement: Mentor Match
3 tips to get started on a mentorship program.
Member mentoring is often touted as a top member benefit. But how do you create a program that successfully pairs people together?
Turns out, it’s not so easy, says Ross Pry, director of membership for the 80,000-member Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE). He’s launching a mentorship program this summer and has three tips:
1. Put opposites together. Look for ways to match long-time and new members, Pry says. “It’s an opportunity to keep the older member involved, and it increases the likelihood for retention of those first-time members.”
2. Consider size and timing. Launching a mentorship program takes time and resources. Pry recommends starting small with a manageable pool of participants and being thoughtful about when you introduce the program. ACFE is timing its program’s launch to coincide with its annual conference in June to generate interest and first-time sign-ups.
3. Look for reciprocal relationships. Don’t assume members want to be just a mentor or mentee—some want it both ways. “We have individuals who are very skilled in a certain part of their job but looking to expand in another area,” Pry says. Be on the lookout for matches that offer reciprocal opportunities to teach and learn.
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